Hackers Hideaway is a small boutique cybersecurity consulting firm for cybersecurity, physical security, and IT.  (We’re just not the type of IT to come fix your printer, they do come with manuals). We aren't afraid to explore the unknown digital realms in order to safeguard businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

Things Folks Tend To Ask For!

Table Top Exercise

$2,000 - $15,000


$2,000 and up (block of hours)

Awareness Training

$2,000 and up (block of hours)

Want Something Simpler?


A block of hours (not many) to help with anything (within reason) that you need help with. Product validation, general security consulting, some incident response Q&A, or a vCISO health-check, etc.


A day and change (remote unless you’re in the midwest OR are paying T&E) to help with anything you need done. vCISO work, small retainer, some AI consulting (to weed out the vendors, etc.) or anything else legal, technical, safety, security, transportation related.


Need more time, need help with the board presentation or to know IF your compliance or controls are effective. Want someone to throw physical or digital rocks at the company to see how safe it is? That and a lot more can be done with this block of time.

Want a Face and not a Screen?

Think before you click! This is our quick way to get a hold of us, use it wisely. Blocking out one of our time spots isn’t for a sales pitch, we’ll invoice you if that happens. If you try to get something out of nothing you’ll kindly donate your money to the Rocky Mountain Great Dane fund. 

Time is precious no matter who’s time it is, so don’t waste ours and we won’t waste yours. 

More about us…

Scattered across a few states in the midwest, a family owned and operated business trying to make a difference on hack at a time. Most of our locally run operations are handled out of Missouri, right in the middle of tornado alley. Our goal is to help small businesses, and local everyday people understand why they could be a target, or other times we’re working with multinational clients on their AI, adversarial, threat intelligence, and whatever else they throw our way. With a fountain of knowledge from years of experience we simply want to help others to not make as many mistakes as we once did.